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Leadership Annual Giving Donors

Lion Leaders


All Lion Leaders have generously given to Missouri Southern at the “Leadership Level” (donations of $1,000 or more in fiscal year 2024). The annual gifts at this level make a tremendous difference by supporting scholarships, expanding programs and services, enriching student life, creating career opportunities, connecting alumni, and much more.

We appreciate your support of Missouri Southern.


Keith and Alice Adams

Gary and Debbie Aggus

Russ and Suzy Alcorn

Bill and Kimberly Allen

Jana Allison

Rod and Janice Anderson

Anonymous Donors Anonymous Donors

Glenda and David Austin

Sir Avington

Ross Babbitt

Glen and Emilie Baker

Stephen and Madalyn Bazzano

Sallie Beard

Donald and Marilyn Beck

Vincent and Karen Beckett

Jack Belden

Chris and Melissa Belk

Randy and Nancy Bell

Lance and Sharon Beshore

Elizabeth Betebenner

Bernard and Jewell Bettasso

Nancy Bettasso

Barbara and Douglas Bevins

Richard and Christine Beydler

Albert and Porscha Bland

Beverly and Ken Block

Kathy Blood

Barbara and Steven Bock

Mark and Elizabeth Bock

Dennis and Sue Boehne

Scott and Darla Boudreaux

Tania and Kevin Bowman

Atiba and Jacquelyn Bradley

Gary Bradshaw

Wes Braman

Randy and Judy Braun

Michelle Brekken

Bill and Kathy Brewster

Sean Briley

Scott and Kit Brothers

Donna Browne

Elisa Bryant

Shaun Buck

Bill and Toni Burlingame

Gay Burns

Deron Burr

Doris Carlin and Gary Bandy

Steve and Kay Carlton

Mike and Leigh Carter

Ken and Deanna Caviness

Steve and Sharon Chandler

Steve and Patty Chenault

Rhonda and Larry Clark

Sharon Clark

Dean and Nancy Collins

Harold Conner

Alan and M'lle Cook

Bill Cook

Cathy Cooley

Sue Cooper

Larry and Karen Cowger

Bonnie and Don Cox

Scott Cragin

Bennie and Shonda Crossland

Curt and Kristie Crossland

Jack and Teri Crusa

Melissa Cupich

Bryce and Pamela Darnell

Doug and Karla Darnell

Richard and Melanie Davidson

Rick and Mary Davidson

Ashley and Brandon Davis

Perry and Kim Davis

Jim and Cheri Dawson

Daryl and Patricia Deel

Elizabeth and Larry Deffenbaugh

Laurie and Gene Delano

Julian and Linda Delzell

Joel and Kimberly Dermott

Jon Dermott

Sharrock and Maria Dermott

Marilyn Dishman-Horst and Fred Horst

Steven and Debbie Dodson

Doug and May Doll

Justin Dudinsky

Chris Dumm

Jeff and Nancy Dymott

Pat and Kim Earl

Kent and C. B. Eastman

Mark and Ellen Eastman

Liz Ebert

David and Christina Eddy

Steve Edgerley

Patricia and Gayle Edmondson

Scott and Linda Eis

Lee Elliff Pound and Mike Pound

T. Mark and Denise Elliott

Jeff England

Leah Esch

Julia Fahrig

Rudy and Dorothy Farber

Cedric Florence and Kellie Bowman

Fred Ford


James and Leigh Frogge

Russ and Wendy Fugate

John Gauder

Bill and Tracy Gipson

Sean and Tammy Goldberg

Chuck and Lori Good

Nancy Good

Jim and Sue Goodknight

Holley Goodnight

Mike and Sheila Goodpaster

John and Jeri-Ann Goswick

Mike and Virginia Gray

Kevin and Sarah Greim

Conrad Griggs

Garrett Groom

David and Connie Haffner

Tucker and Whitney Hagedorn

Skip and Kandi Hale

Carlos and Susan Haley

Rick and Allison Ham

Regina Hammons

Scott and Julie Hawkins

Bob and Judy Headlee

Sue Headley

Jeffery Heck

Konrad and Barbara Heid

Lee and Stephanie Heinerikson

Marilyn and Steve Henderson

Tom and Mary Lynn Herrod

Alison and Ed Hershewe

Terry Hess

Shellie and William Hewitt

Randy and Susan Hill

Brad and Sue Hodson

Angela Holman

Stephanie Holscher Bear

Delores and Jim Honey

Shawn and Suzanne Hull

Mark and Melanie Hurst

Dale and Joetta Hutchings

Brian and Amy Ipsen

Jim and Brenda Jackson

Jerry Jahn

Mike and Ann Jernigan

Carole and James Johnson

Jeffrey Jones

Dee Kassab

Maridan Kassab

Bob and Candy Kelly

Charles and Karen Kemp

Bethany Kendrick

Richard and Theresa Kenney

Justin and Jessica Kensinger

Virginia Laas

Don and Gloria LaFerla

Mike and Bre LaFerla

Ron and Carolyn Lankford

Douglas and Cindy Lawson

Mike Lawson

Julio and Vivian León

Kile and Heather Lesmeister

Aaron and Miranda Lewis

Scott and Cindy Liebenguth

Rob and Karen Lieurance

John and Christy Lindsay

Pat Lipira

Ida Ruth Locarni

Melissa and David Locher

Andrea Logan

James and Barbara Lyall

William and Katherine Lynch

Rob and Holly Mallory

Alan and Lori Marble

Cary and Veronica Marion

Teresa Massa

Kyle Mayden

John and Stacey Mayes

Doug and Robin McCallister

Debbie McCoy

Susan and Jon McCoy

Charles and Donna McGinty

Larry and Donna McIntire

Myron and Janet McKinney

John and Nancy Messick

Vicky and Steve Mieseler

Diane Miller

Scott and Kim Miller

Ron and Becky Mitchell

Ronald and Holly Mitchell

Mike and Susan Moore

Chris and Lilya Moos

Mariann Morgan and Joe Lyon

Sandie Morgan

John and Renee Motazedi

Patsy and Tom Mountz

Will Mountz

Joe and Rebecca Newman

Sara Newman

Linda Niessen and John Lonergan

Gary and Joncee Nodler

Ricardo and Moe Nunez

Frank and Debra O'Brien

Marty and Nancy O'Brien


Kenneth and Gail Ochs

Wes and Jennifer Ogden

Bob and Jo Oldt

Les and Elena Olson

Brad and Anita Oplotnik

Mike and Terry Osborne

Cary Oserowsky and Jill Brennan

Rocky and Pam Overman

Bart Paden

Pedro Pantoja

Kevin and Jenny Parker

Sheila and Jerry Parsons

Todd and Nikki Pefferman

Andrea Pence

Chuck and Karen Perkins

Dustin and Melanie Perkins

Judith and Gary Phillips

Sharon Plummer

Judy and David Powell

Dick and April Rasmussen

Nick and Cori Reid

Ronnie and Pamela Ressel

Cathy and John Rhodes

Patty Richard

Troy and Jenny Richards

Henry Robertson

Ruth and Chris Roessler

Hal and Ruth Roper

Benji and Patty Rosenberg

Brian and Susie Rosenthal

Scott and Mary Pat Rosenthal

Nydia and Bill Rowe

Karen and Tom Rutledge

Mark and Karen Sandridge

Zach and Lacey Scheirer

Amanda and Eric Schmelzer

Brian and Michelle Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt

Marty and Kim Schoenthaler

Cynthia Schwab

Edward Scorse

Kim Scott

Kevin and Lori Seward

Monicca Shanthanelson and Noble Rajanayagam

Anne Sharp

Teresa Shufflin

Sarah Skiles

Jeffrey Sledge

Phil and Tiffany Slinkard

Dick and Debra Smith

Jerry and Nancy Smith

Russell and Gail Smith

Rich and Ava Snyder

Ryan Snyder

Steve Spratt

Dan and Melanie Stanley

Logan and Emily Stanley

Ryan and Amanda Stanley

Dan and Jeanette Stengel

Mike Stengel

Patti Stengel

Caleb Stokes

Derek and Terri Stokes

Troy and Kristin Stovern

Myra Straub

Sam Sturgis

Jason and Lily Talley

Cora Taylor

Jeff and Lauren Taylor

Jimmie and Martha Thomas

Debbie Thompson

John and Harleen Tiede

Lisa Toms

Tammy and Scott Trent

Carolyn Trout

Karen Tuggle

Joel and Dianne Tupper

Nancy Underwood

Dean and Mary Van Galen

Bryan and Leticia Vowels

Terry Wachter

Christina and Scott Wade

Brandon and Erin Weaver

Nick and Joy Weis

Aaron and Stacie Wells

Jonathan and Julie Wengert

John Wenninghoff

Jeff and Debbie Werneke

Clifford and Pam Wert

Bob and Dot Willcoxon

Linda Williams

Mark and Stephanie Williams

Patrick and Teresa Williams

Steve Williams

Tom Williams

Tony Williams

Kyle Wilson

Mike and Kelly Wilson

Kenneth and Angie Wise

Floyd and Jane Wiss

Michelle and Randall Wood

Ed and Susan Wuch


3 Up 3 Down Millwright Service

Ajinomoto Foods

Alberta M. and Glen Clayton Trust

Arvest Bank

Arvest Foundation

Barbershop Harmony Society

Bart Hultine Altruism Fund

Black Rain Ordnance Inc.

Blevins Asphalt Construction Co

Blue Haven Homes

Boyd Metals of Joplin, Inc.

Brad Reed Memorial Fund

Briarbrook Womens Golf Association

Bright Futures Joplin

C & N Bowl, Inc.

Christopher Foundation

Comcast Corporation

Commerce Bancshares Foundation

Committee to Elect Ron Richard

Community Foundation of the Ozarks

Community Support Services

Crossland Construction Co Inc

D.J. Poynor Estate

Davis CPA Group, LLC

Dogwood Trails

Dorothea B. Hoover AAUW Foundation

Edible Culture

First Community Church of Christ


Fred & Mary Logistics

Fred and Rebekah Hughes Charitable Trust

Freeman Health System

Freeman Johnson Trust


Gaskill Memorial Trust

George Boyd Charitable Remainder Unitrust

H.E. Williams Inc

Heavy Construction Laborers' Local Union No. 663

Helen S Boylan Foundation

Hiland Dairy Foods

JBL Arkansas LLC

Jefferson Franchise Systems

Joplin Elks Lodge No. 501

Joplin Golf Foundation

Joplin Professional Social Workers

Joplin Rotary Club

Joplin Sports Authority

Joplin Tomorrow

Joplin TriState Chapter 197, IMA

Joy Spiva Cragin Charitable Trust

June M. Blalock Living Trust

Karen Rutledge Insurance Agency

Katherine L Hyde Charitable Trust


L.E. Phillips Family Foundation, Inc.

La-Z-Boy, Inc.

LaFerla-Wilson Orthodontics LLC

Legacy Enterprises Unlimited LLC

Lemons Family Charitable Trust

Liberty Utilities-Empire District

Louis Holland Trust

Marco Group, Inc.

Margaret and Clark Reid Trust

McCallister Body Shop Inc.

McCune-Brooks Healthcare Foundation

McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital Trust

McDonald County Internet Service


McMechan Trust

Mercy Hospital Joplin

Mid-Missouri Bank

Midwestern Interactive, LLC

Missouri Eagle, LLC

Missouri Eagle, LLC

National Board for Respiratory Care

New York Life Insurance Company

Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.

Ozark Center

People's Bank Of Seneca

RE Smith Construction Co

Ron Mitchell Mediation

Roper Auto Group

SC Johnson Giving, Inc.

Schmidt CPA's & Advisors

Sempra Energy Foundation

SideCars Inc./ TruWarranty

Southwest Missouri Bank

St. Philip's Episcopal Church

State Farm Companies Foundation

Steadley Trust

TAMKO Building Products, Inc.

The Bramlage and Willcoxon Foundation

The Farber Foundation

The W. Robert Corley Fund

Tristatesmen Chorus

UnitedHealth Group

Vowels & Stovern Wealth Mgmt. Group of Wells Fargo Advisors

Vowels Stovern Wealth, LLC

Walter and Frederica Evans Trust

WR Corley Memorial Trust