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Steps to Graduation

Students are required to submit their application to graduate the semester prior to their intended graduation.


Graduation Application Deadlines 

Fall Deadlines

  • April 15  - Complete and submit your application to graduate on Lionet.
  • May 15  - Advisor deadline to submit Graduation Checklist to the Office of the Registrar.

Spring and Summer Deadlines

  • November 1  – Complete and submit your electronic application to graduate on Lionet.
  • December 1  – Advisor deadline to submit Graduation Checklist to the Office of the Registrar

    (Summer graduates walk with the Spring graduates in May)


How to Apply for Graduation

  1. Access or print a Degree Works audit from Lionet to review the degree requirements and ensure you are on track to complete all the degree requirements by your intended graduation date – Review a Degree Works audit for each different degree.

    1. Visit Lionet to submit your electronic graduation application.
      • Click on the “Apply to Graduate” link under the Student Quick Links section and follow the prompts.
      • For multiple degrees, file one application for each degree.

    After submitting your application, you will receive an automated email confirming receipt of your application.

  2. After applying to graduate, connect and discuss your degree requirements with your advisor who will then complete a Graduation Checklist on your behalf and route it to the Office of the Registrar.

  3. After the Graduation Checklist is received by the Office of the Registrar, a confirmation email will be sent to your university email account. 

A $60, non-refundable graduation application fee will be applied to your account for the term in which you apply to graduate.

If you need to change your graduation date, please complete the Graduation Date Change Request .


Additional Steps

  1. Complete the Senior Assessment and Departmental Exit Assessment, if applicable. 

  2. Contact the Career Services office for assistance on how to prepare a professional resume and Cover Letter and learn more about how they assist with job searches.

  3. All financial obligations must be settled with the Bursar prior to the last day of the semester.

  4. All textbooks are to be returned to the bookstore no later than 4:00 p.m. on the Monday after the last day of finals. Rental textbooks not returned by the deadline will be automatically charged to your account at the retail price.

  5. If you received student loans during your education at MSSU, conditions of your loan(s) require that you complete financial aid exit counseling. Please call (417) 625-9325 or stop by the Financial Aid Office in Hearnes Hall Suite 109 to schedule an appointment for loan exit counseling, or you may complete it online at by selecting “Manage Loans”. If you have a Perkins Loan, you will need to complete the Perkins exit counseling at .

  6. Order your cap and gown from Jostens 7 weeks in advance at:  . 

    Cap and Gown Ordering Instructions

  7. Attend commencement. The commencement ceremony is intended for students graduating with an Associates, Bachelors, or Masters degrees.


Questions or Concerns

Graduates/Students with questions should contact the Office of the Registrar at or call 417-625-9389 or 417-625-9514.

Please note when MSSU is closed, the Office of the Registrar will be closed and will not be able to respond to inquiries.