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What You Need To Know About Rape Poison Drugs

There is growing concern on campuses across the country due to the presence of Predator drugs. This document will focus on the three most prevalent drugs threatening the personal safety of college age students:
  • Rohypnol (Roofies, Rope, Ruffies, R2, Ruffles, Roche, Forget-pill, Mexican Valium)
  • Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (BHB, Liquid Extacy, Liquid X, Scoop, Easy Lay)
  • Ketamine Hydrochloride ( K, Special K, Vitamin K, Ket)


It is a potent tranquilizer which produces a sedative affect, amnesia, muscle relaxation, and slowing of psychomotor response. The pill is distributed in 0.5, 1.0, to 2.0 milligram form (Restrictions have been placed on the 2.0 mg form). It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless and dissolves without leaving any traces (some recently produced pills may contain a blue dye). It takes effect approximately 10-20 minutes after ingestion. Rohypnol can be added to any liquid (effect lasting 8-24 hours). Rohypnol can be detected in the blood for 24 hours and in the urine for 48 hours. Some individuals use Rohypnol as an alcohol extender for a rapid and dramatic high. This is something to watch for in social settings if individuals seem extremely intoxicated after consuming only a small amount of alcohol.


It is an odorless, colorless, liquid depressant with anesthetic qualities. It is also used as amino acid by bodybuilders in small amounts. GHB is usually distributed as a sodium salt in powder or tablet form commonly dissolved in water. This drug gives a feeling of relaxation, tranquility, sensuality, and loss of inhibitions (especially for women). The drug takes effect 10-15 minutes after ingestion and lasts 2-3 hours unless combined with alcohol, where effect may last 20-30 hours. Large doses can induce sudden sleep within 5-10 minutes.


It is a new drug that has been added to the predator drug category. It is a powerful anesthetic used as an animal tranquilizer. It is available in a liquid, powder or pill form. Ketamine causes hallucinations, amnesia and dissociation (a feeling where the mind seems separated from the body) making it attractive for a potential date rapist.

How to Reduce Your Risk

  • Never leave beverages unattended.
  • Don't accept drinks from someone you don t know well.
  • At a pub, bar, or nightclub, accept drinks only from the bartender or server.
  • When drinking, keep an eye on your friends and ask them to watch out for you. If someone else seems extremely drunk after having only a small amount of alcohol, a rape poison drug may be involved.

Actions to Take if You Are Drugged/Assaulted

  • Go to a safe place.
  • If you want to report the assault you should not shower, bathe, douche, change clothes, or clean up the area where the assault occurred. These actions could destroy evidence. (Officers will ask you to accompany them to a hospital Emergency Room for a rape test and to test for rape poison drugs.)
  • On campus, call the University Police Department at 417-626-2222. Off campus, call the local police at 911.
  • Students may also choose to go to the campus Health Center for treatment and testing for pregnancy and STDs.
  • For personal counseling contact Counseling Services at 417-625-9559 or stop by Billingsly Student Center Suite 347. All counseling is confidential.

Programs Are Available

If you have questions or would like more information about this topic please contact the University Police Department at 417-626-2222. If you would like a presentation regarding rape poison drugs contact James Swift, Chief of Police, at 417-625-9741.