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Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences

The Bachelor of Science in Health Science degree at Missouri Southern State University provides students – and graduates of allied health programs from other institutions – an opportunity to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree related to their clinical degree. This degree is designed to help position students for career advancement into management and/or academic positions related to their clinical discipline.

The mission of the Health Science degree is to provide a comprehensive baccalaureate degree that complements an associate allied health major. The degree is designed to promote critical thinking, communication and information skills, and leadership with a commitment to distance learning. Our graduates are academically prepared to pursue opportunities for advancement or graduate school.

The allied health programs associated with the Bachelor of Science in Health Science degree are:



Dental Hygeine

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Radiologic Technology

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Respiratory Therapy

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Graduates of accredited programs in any of these four fields of study, who have successfully completed their national written board examinations and/or regional practical examinations, and hold a state license to practice in the U.S., are eligible to transfer credit hours earned in their clinical programs to MSSU and have these credit hours count toward major program requirements. This unique opportunity shortens the path to a degree for these students.

This degree offers a 100% online option for distance students and working students.

Missouri Southern students enrolled in the clinical programs listed above have the opportunity to earn the Bachelor of Science in Health Science degree concurrently with their clinical degree, or after successful completion of their clinical degree.

In addition to the 100% online curriculum, the degree offers a flexible curriculum with course options that allow the student to design a curriculum specific to their needs. Plans of study can also be selected that emphasize Health Education (100% online), Population Health / Public Health, or Healthcare Management, depending on the career aspirations of the student.

The Bachelor of Science of Health Science degree is in the MSSU College of Health Sciences and the Department of Healthcare Administration and Management. This association with the faculty and staff of MSSU’s clinical programs, the Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration program, and the Gipson Center for Healthcare Leadership help to make the Bachelor of Science in Health Science a unique and valuable degree.