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About the Degree:

Have you ever wanted to travel to another era ? Maybe step into a time machine and see ancient Greece or 19th century Europe firsthand? That may not be possible but a Bachelor of Arts degree is the next-best thing. With a history degree, you take an intellectual trip to the past that will better help you understand the forces that have shaped our world today.  You can engage people about history and introduce students to new worlds, times, places and cultures. Even better, you'll hone your critical thinking, reading, writing and research skills.

What Can I Do With This Major? 

Your Future with Our History Degree

As a graduate of Missouri Southern's history program, you'll harness your passion for learning about the past into a fulfilling, life-long career. Picture yourself in one of these positions:

  • Work for a museum, or historical site as staff or a curator.
  • Share your knowledge of the past as a teacher at a middle school or high school.
  • Be a historian for a government agency or university.
  • Use your critical thinking skills to work in journalism.

Recent graduates have started careers in

  • Banking
  • Publishing
  • The National Park Service
  • Information systems
  • Local government
  • High school teaching
  • Middle school teaching
  • Career services
  • Hospitality management
  • The military

What can you become with a history major?

  • A librarian
  • An archivist
  • A records manager
  • A curator of a museum collection
  • A documentary film editor
  • A journalist
  • A digital scholar
  • A preservationist

What You'll Learn:

  • Demonstrate a significant base of knowledge about both United States and world history through completion of a broad selection of courses in history.
  • Develop a thesis statement that addresses appropriate historical questions that demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of history.
  • Distinguish between primary and secondary sources used in the writing of history and know how to use and analyze each appropriately.
  • Analyze a primary document as a product of a particular historical era.
  • Respond critically to a secondary source, taking into account the relevant primary documents, proper historical methodology, the logic of the argument, and other major interpretations in the field.
  • Construct a well-organized written argument (a research paper), with a thesis statement supported by both primary and secondary evidence.
  • Document the evidence in the professionally accepted form of the discipline.
  • Respond to constructive feedback to develop the revising skills that historians use to strengthen their interpretative analysis.

This Degree is Great for You if:

  • You want to work as a curator or staff member of a historical museum or a historical site.
  • You  are interested in  historical research.
  • You want to teach history to K-12 students at a public or private school.
  • You're interested in graduate programs in history or other areas, including law.


Current Catalog

